I know it’s hard to believe… every night we have done this year has been better than the last. They have all been amazing though last night was so big on energy and the performances were stunning It’s going to be hard to top.
Great work to Val and Brad for leading us in Stand By Me and Mustang Sally respectively… Brad found his mojo very early into song and cherished being backed by such a great sounding band.
Special guests Soulman O’Gaia who always raises the roof was out-fro’d by Miss Amber though no one can can outshine this great performers bright soul. We are so blessed to have such talent in our home town. Fiona Dell is a great singer as is Fiona Knight, completely different styles and yet bring them together with Miss Amber and you have a whole lotta magic sista harmony action. Eyes were sparkling!
Big thanks to Chris Mallory who popped up for falsetto duties on Stayin’ Alive and nailed it… the song and the look. Al Park (Sir Cliff Richard’s M.D.) graced the stage with his oh so wonderful keyboards. What a gem of a man and to have the ‘glue’ of organ piano and even marimba and horns made for some sweet sounds. Al commented that he loved playing at the volume the uke night band do. You’re welcome back anytime Mr. Park.
Together Rex Carter on Drums and Rod Coe on bass are an unbeatable rhythm section… there was beautiful solid grooves from woe to go. Thanks to Luis for great sound as usual and the lovely Deb on the door. Big thanks to The Courthouse Hotel for hosting the event every month and for donating a lovely bottle of organic red wine for the raffle.
Most of all thanks to the fans in the audience who turned up in droves… all our old friends and lots of new faces. It would mean nothing without you and we love you for all your support.