Mullum Uke Night

Come strum and sing along at Mullum’s new UKULELE night on THE LAST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH at the Courthouse Hotel Mullumbimby from 7pm – 9pm.

The evening will go something like this:

  • A brief lesson for complete beginners. Then we all play the songs prepared for the evening together.
  • Individual showcase – individuals will have the spotlight to showcase a pet project, e.g. an original, an interpretation, new favourite song or piece they’re working on.
  • Usually we will have a special guest.
  • Jammin’ together on more songs.

Every one welcome. BYO Uke and tuner. So you can practice, a pdf songbook is available with up to 5 new songs added each month.  download music here. We will also have the music projected onto the big screen on the wall.