Uke Mullum #2 Wrap Up

Yay!!! There were at least the same numbers as last time with quite a few new faces. We played all the new tunes including Dancing Queen. (Amber apologises for getting the verses out of order… she made up for it with many other beautiful renditions of our playlist). Yet again My Island Home raised the hairs on my neck… what a magical song. When You’re Smiling was a much more popular closer for the night than We’ll Meet Again.

Matt Bone on bass was rock solid and once again held us all together. Big thanks to Byron Music who showed up with the newly imported Japanese Koyama Ukes and the very desirable banjolele. I appreciate the time and effort they take to present us with some truly inspiring instruments and accessories. Thanks to Luis Christa for his much improved projection and clear sound. (We are still working out some bugs with the 2 page tunes.  (Luis is the man).

Big thanks to all who came tonight, particularly those who traveled from afar to be a part of the fun… Lismore Uke Club Pres Jeanti, Chad and the Murwillumbah crew and the rest of you lovely locals with a special hello to my BBCC & Uke Mullum students. (really nice to see you there).

Next month (WED 28 SEPT) we have a very special guest. Ukulele Master – A J Leonard from Melbourne will pop in to dazzle us prior to his presentation at the Mullum Bowlo on the following Sunday (OCT 2). A 1 hour workshop followed by a concert with his partner Jenny Rowlands on Cello. This will be an unmissable event for any lover of the uke… seriously, don’t miss it!!! I will post more as the time gets closer to see what we are in for. Keep your flyer from tonight for a $2 concession at the door. Contact me if you would like one…  (There’s no ‘N’ in uke… So let us Uke the world!) LOT’S OF LOVE!!! STU!

Uke Mullum Night Tomorrow

Hope to see you tomorrow night at The Courthouse Hotel in Mullumbimby for the 2nd Uke Mullum Night. The local paper hasn’t run any of the reminders I have sent for the last two weeks so I’m praying you all remember it’s on. Strumming starts at 7:00pm. Be early to get a good seat. Download the song book here. If you can, check out When You’re Smiling. This is my suggestion for our ‘club song’. And test yourself with The Dancing Queen Challenge.

When You’re Smiling

Last month I suggested ‘We’ll Meet Again’ would be a good ‘club’ song. Some people liked it though I did have some comments against it. I’m now thinking ‘When You’re Smiling’ might be a good choice. I like it because it is a happy tune and it has a slightly tricky progression. I wouldn’t like ‘our’ song to be a standard C F G number. Any way… see what you think. Here’s how it goes.

The Dancing Queen Challenge

When choosing songs for us to play I try to satisfy two main criteria: (1) The chords aren’t too tricky (2) the song is popular or at least well – known. ABBA’s Dancing Queen is surely well known and dare I say very popular. The chords are not too tricky once you sit down and practice the changes. The strum may challenge you.. Just slow it right down and you’ll get it. So here’s a video I made so you can get get an idea of how it all fits together. Are you up for the The Dancing Queen Challenge. Will you be able to keep up next Uke Mullum night?

Download the sheet music Show more.

New Songs for August Are Online Now

To download the August Song book click here. You also have the option to download the new songs only as individual files . Thanks to all who came last month. What a brilliant beginning to our night of uke-tastic fun! There are some surprises in store for our next get together. Updates to follow.

Thursdays Evenings Group Class


Are you interested in joining up to 10 uke enthusiasts  for a 1 hour group lesson with Stukulele on Thursdays starting at 7:00pm. We’ll be honing in on strumming, syncopation and smooth chord changes. Cost is $20 per lesson or pre book a block of 4 lessons for $75. If this sounds good to you please leave a message below.

Mullum Uke Night # 1 Wrap-Up

The Beautiful Birth of The Mullum Uke Night. Around 130 people. There were quite a few beginners and we sounded lovely. We played nearly the entire song book. Beautiful singing, especially the tribute to dearly departed Marj Little ‘My Island Home’. Big thanks To Byron Music especially Matt Bone on bass who really kept us together and playing in time. Warm thanks to Amber, Bronnie, Kim, Tom, Kate, Chris Chandler and special guest Kathryn Jones who sang up a storm. Big thanks to the Courthouse Hotel staff and Luis Cristia for projection and sound. Most off all sincere thanks and love to everyone who came along for one of best feeling nights out I’ve been a part of. Cannot wait till next month. WED AUG 31

Updated July Songbook

Hiya, I noticed that ‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’ and ‘I’m Looking Through You’ were missing a few chords. So if you want the corrected versions download the songbook again. Looks like there will be a few people showing up this Wednesday. If you are coming from Ocean Shores, Bruns,  South Golden way there has been a kind offer to carpool. If that’s something you are interested in contact me and I will put you in contact with Pamela.

Byron Music – Specials For Uke Mullum

Byron Music have offered their support of Uke Mullum. Not only are they donating a fine double bass player to help play the tunes, they are also bringing some ukes and accessories along and will be offering them to us at a special discount price. (might even push for an raffle!!). They have some items on their site if you want to have a geez, (I love the snark tuners) and Matt assures me there will be more online soon. Many Thanks for showing your enthusiasm Byron Music. Be a darl and like their page… can’t wait for Next Wednesday!!